Knight installations

Audible alarm systems

Knight Installations are available in Croydon, Sutton, Wimbledon and Bromley.

Audible alarm system

Every Intruder Alarm System installed by Knight Installations is fitted with at least one active external sounder, one internal sounder and usually includes dummy housings located in strategic positions to deter would be thieves.

An external sounder housing is proven to deter most thieves as it is an indication that the owners of the premises have taken measures to secure their property properly. Why take the risk of burgling an alarmed premises when the one next door is not protected?

With its modern design, our external sounder is made from 3mm polycarbonate, tough enough to withstand most attacks. Removal of the cover or removal from the wall will immediately activate the unit, alerting your neighbour to the possibility of a burglary in progress.

Where there is a need for a higher degree of security, all our systems can be further upgraded to include remote monitoring, allowing your alarm system to transmit alarm signals to a remote monitoring centre who will call the relevant emergency service and keyholders.

Why choose audible alarms?

  • Most homes have audible alarms, loud noise keeps burglars away
  • It’s risky to try and trap a thief using a silent alarm
  • if the alarm is silent, the occupants of the home might not now a thief is present
  • An audible alarm will alert the occupants and people near by
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  • Do you want to install audible alarms at your home or office? Knight Installations in Croydon can help 020 8656 8898 / 08000 645 999 Email: