Knight installations

Responsive remote alarm monitoring

Knight Installations are available in Croydon, Sutton, Wimbledon and Bromley.

An expert alarm monitoring system

Remote Monitoring enables your intruder alarm system to prompt a police response by transmitting alarm signals through the telephone network to our 24-hour Alarm Receiving Centre.

A digital communicator sends alarm notifications via the telephone network and can be connected to any standard telephone line, whether provided by British Telecom or a local cable operator, without requiring modifications to your service. For optimal performance, it is recommended to connect the system to a dedicated “outgoing calls only” line or a line with an ex-directory telephone number.

Comprehensive security option

For enhanced security, BT Redcare is often the preferred choice. This system transmits signals instantly without the need for a dial-up connection and can operate even while the telephone line is in use for other calls. Additionally, the Redcare host continuously monitors the alarm system’s status to ensure it remains fully operational.

Insurance providers are increasingly specifying Redcare GSM connections for high-risk or commercial installations, as it meets the stringent requirements of the European Standard for Alarm Installations (BS EN50131).

Does your business require remote alarm monitoring? Knight Installations in Croydon is here for you 020 8656 8898 / 08000 645 999 Email: